EMD Update and the SEOs’ reactions

I mean… years and years complaining about the exaggerated power EMD had in the SERPs, and now that Google finally rolls out an update, which purpose is to solve that injustice, the same SEOs complain for the opposite reason? #WTF!

Interviews in Search: Joanna Lord

One of the classic things a father hears is: Don’t worry if your kid takes longer in learning this. By the way, we all know that girls learn faster than boys.
I think that girls learn faster and are smarter than boys at every age.
I see it constantly and I have the pleasure to know a good number of “female geeks” in our industry confirming me daily this assumption.
One of them is Joanna Lord.

#mozcon. With M like marketing.

A week ago I was in Seattle impatiently waiting for Mozcon to start. Now I am back home and writing while travelling to Barcelona for visiting a client. There’s something in travelling on a train that always inspires me. Somehow watching those always changing...